Weekly Announcements 8/9

Muraoka Families,

Happy August!  Our students have now been in school for just over two weeks.  Teachers have spent this time helping children transition back to in-school learning with their classmates. Time has been spent on learning classroom and schoolwide expectations, getting to know their teachers and one another, and becoming accustomed to routines.  Students are now beginning to take language arts and math assessments which will provide teachers with the information they need to support each student to experience academic success.

Thank you to parents who joined us for Curriculum Nights last week.  If you were not able to participate, please contact your child’s teacher to get a digital version of curriculum night so you will be informed.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during the overflow process at Muraoka.  The process is complete.  Classrooms now have an average of 24 students in the primary grades (K-2) and a maximum of 31 in upper grades.

Muraoka is proud to have 1,024 students, and as part of the Muraoka school family, the staff and I agree that all of our children belong to all of us!  Your children have numerous adults to protect their safety and well-being.  Because students have been away from in-person learning for so long, our Kindergarteners AND first graders are experiencing school for the first time. Even our second graders have not spent an entire school year on campus. All children are experiencing a transition, and expectations, structure, and routine is especially important at this time.  Please help us to keep your children happy and safe by reinforcing the following expectations.


It is important that all students follow Muraoka Behavioral Expectations:

  • Come to school every day, on time
  • Demonstrate respect for themselves and others
  • Keep our hands and feet to ourselves
  • Use kind words and appropriate language

In order to provide a safe and enjoyable lunch time experience for all students, Lunch Arbor Expectations are:

  • Remain seated with our feet under the tables
  • Keep our hands, feet, and objects to ourselves
  • Keep our voices at our tables
  • WALK in and around the lunch area

Thank you for insuring that your children bring water containers to school each day. Children may refill water bottles in the classroom and are encouraged to bring water to recess and lunch so they remain well-hydrated throughout the day.

COVID-19 is at the forefront of everyone’s minds. The Chula Vista Elementary School District, and each District school, are working diligently to keep our students, families, and staff safe and healthy. We follow strict protocols for masking, tracing Covid contacts, notifying families, following through with quarantine procedures, and following cleaning and disinfecting procedures.  For specific information and details, please see the Back-to-School Parent Playbook sent to all families by our Superintendent, Dr. Francisco Escobedo.  The Playbook can be accessed online at the district website.

Muraoka is hiring additional Noon Duties!  Classroom teachers supervise recess, and noon duties, Administrators (Principal and Assistant Principal), and additional support staff supervise lunch and lunch recess. We currently have at least 6 adults assigned to our Kindergarteners during lunch and recess and additional staff assigned to grades 1-6. Noon duty positions are 2-3 hours a day. If you love children and the outdoors and would like to help us keep Muraoka students happy and safe, please consider applying for a noon duty position.  Go to the District website at cvesd.org and click on Employment/Classified.

Muraoka is going SOLAR!  All District schools will have solar panels installed in their parking lots. Work is scheduled to begin at Muraoka on September 2. This means that parking at Muraoka will be interrupted for two weeks before Fall Break.  The hope is that construction will be completed before we come back to school for Quarter 2.  More specific information about adjustments that will be made during this time will be provided.

Now that our overflow process is complete, the office has sent home Back to School packets with lots of information.  Thank you in advance for reading these packets and returning the necessary forms.

Coming up this month… Parent Chat, School Site Council Meeting.  Dates to be provided soon!

We will send a parent communication each Monday this quarter.

Thank you for allowing us to teach and learn with your wonderful children. We look forward to a wonderful year of teaching and learning together.


Lisa Parker, Interim Principal                

Felicitas Rayray, Assistant Principal


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