Muraoka Families,
Thank you to our amazing PTO for organizing the first PTO Movie Night of the year!! We had such an incredible turn out that we needed two screens to accommodate all our families. Thank you to all our grade levels who sold food to raise money for field trips and our outside vendors were also a hit. It truly was a spectacular night and representative of the amazing community we have here at Muraoka! Please read below to stay informed about upcoming events.
Mrs. Mazeau and Mrs. Rayray
Parents on Campus:
Please keep these tips in mind as you join us for drop off each morning:
- Please keep everything with wheels outside of the front gate
- Please allow students to eat independently in lunch arbor, parents can stand near fence
- Please line up behind student lines to keep students visible and to give teachers direct access to their students
- Please send teachers emails or dojo messages and limit conversations with the teacher as this allows them to return to class quickly to begin their instructional day
- Please say goodbye to your child at the line and allow only the teacher to lead students to the building
- Please leave all pets at home
- Please exit campus as quickly as possible
Traffic and Safety:
We recently met with the City Engineer regarding the traffic concerns surrounding Muraoka. We are working together to create an additional drop off/pick up loop for families. Until these plans are in place, please help us keep are students safe by adhering to the following:
- Orange cones: Thank you in advance for respecting the orange cones. They are strategically placed to keep our students and families safe.
- Red Curbs – “as required under California Vehicle Code Section 21458(a)(1), a curb painted red shall indicate no stopping, standing, or parking whether the vehicle is attended or unattended.”
- Yellow curbs are for loading and unloading only – cars should not be parked and left unattended. If you are on a yellow curb, you should be in your vehicle.
- Use crosswalks for crossing the street and parking lot.
- When dropping students off, please be sure that they exit the vehicle on the right so that they get out directly onto the sidewalk closest to the school building.
- Follow traffic patterns and do not double park along parking spaces
Please reach out to Mrs. Mazeau or Mrs. Rayray if you can volunteer before or after school 1-5 days a week.
ELAC Meeting:
Please join us for a Coffee Chat sponsored by ELAC. We will be reviewing our District Technology Accelerators (Smarty Ants, Achieve 3000, iReady) and our school wide instructional focus in Writing. We hope to see you there! All parents are welcome.
We are so excited for our 1st Annual Trunk or Treat Event at Muraoka! Staff Members are decorating cars and passing out candy in our school parking lot of Friday, October 28th. There will be photo opportunities and story time! This is a walking event, and we would love your help making it a success. Please donate any size bag of candy so that we have plenty of candy to pass out to our Momongas! Candy can be dropped off in the Candy Monster receptacle located outside of the front office. Thank you in advance for your support!
Upcoming Dates:
10/20 ELAC Meeting 8:30am in MPR
10/20 SSC Meeting 3:00pm Conference Room
10/24-10/28 Red Ribbon Spirit Week (more details to come!)
10/28 Trunk or Treat Event at Muraoka 3:30-5:30
10/31 Fall Costume Parade 8:30 am