Weekly Bulletin January 23rd

Muraoka Families,

We are so excited to finally be on campus on a Monday morning! Please remember to wear your school colors and/or spirit gear for our first Momonga Monday assembly of the year!  Do you need Muraoka Spirit Gear? You are in luck! PTO will be selling Spirit Gear before school on Monday, January 23rd beginning at 7:30am.

Mrs. Mazeau and Mrs. Rayray


Morning Drop Off Reminders:

We are re-sharing our morning expectations for adults on campus. Please keep these tips in mind as you join us for drop off each morning:

  • Please keep everything with wheels outside of the front gate
  • Please allow students to eat independently in lunch arbor, parents can stand near fence
  • Please line up behind student lines to keep students visible and to give teachers direct access to their students
  • Please send teachers emails or dojo messages and limit conversations with the teacher as this allows them to return to class quickly to begin their instructional day
  • Please say goodbye to your child at the line and allow only the teacher to lead students to the building
  • Please leave all pets at home
  • Please exit campus as quickly as possible, preferably at first bell, 8:10 am (with the exception of Kindergarten)

Message from our Library Tech, Mrs. Heather Haas:

We are excited to announce that our Momongas will now be able to use the Accelerated Reader (AR) program!

 AR is a computer-based program that helps teachers track students’ independent practice and progress with reading. Your child picks a book at his own level and reads it at their own pace. Once finished, your child will be able to take a Reading Practice Quiz at school, on the computer. Passing the quiz is an indication that your child understood what was read.

We encourage you and your students to go to www.arbookfind.com when choosing books from your home or the public library to see if they have AR quizzes available. You can search for titles, authors, or books that meet specific criteria, such as books in Spanish. No login is required. 

 Reach our to our Library Tech, Mrs. Haas (heather.haas@cvesd.org), if you have any questions.

Happy reading, Momongas!

YMCA Annual Campaign:

Please consider donating to the YMCA’s annual campaign! Every gift makes an incredible difference! Please feel free to share with any of your friends or family as well. Our goal is $2,000.00 and our fundraiser ends March 14. Thank you for not only supporting our efforts to raise funds for the Y, but also giving back to your community! We appreciate you!




Basketball Tryouts for Grades 5 & 6:

Basketball tryouts will now be held on January 30th, 2023. All guardians must fill out the following form for permission to try out. There are no paper forms that need to be turned in at this time. Please click below to give your 5th or 6th grade student permission to try out.


Please contact paulina.flores@cvesd.org with any questions!

TK/K Virtual Town Hall Meeting for 2023/24 School Year

Do you have a child who is entering TK or K next school year?  CVESD’s Early Childhood Education and Student Placement Departments present a virtual information session for parents and guardians of students eligible for transitional kindergarten and kindergarten for the 2023-24 school year. Students are eligible for transitional kindergarten if the child turns five on Sept. 2, 2023, through April 2, 2024. If a child turns five on or before Sept. 1, 2023, the child is eligible for kindergarten.  Check out the flyers below with more information.

TK Kinder Town Hall Flyer ENG SPN 

Important Dates:

January 23rd: Momonga Monday Assembly! Wear your spirit gear.

*********Spirit Gear Sale! 7:30 am at Muraoka******

January 30th: Co-ed Basketball tryouts grades 5/6

Sign up here: https://forms.office.com/r/Uibjgr8xtS

February 1st: TK/K Registration Town Hall Meeting

February 3rd: Jump Rope for Heart Event

February 15th: Registration for the 23-24 school year begins!

February 17th – 20th – No School in Observance of President’s Day

March 9th – 16th – Minimum Days for Parent/Teacher Conferences

March 17th – Last Day of Quarter 3

March 20 – 31st – Spring Break

April 3rd – First Day of Quarter 4 – Minimum Day

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