Dear Muraoka Families,
We are so grateful for all your donations for our Staff Appreciation event last week! Our staff absolutely loved the baseball themed treats for the 7th Inning Stretch! Our community is the best! We have just two weeks left in our first quarter. We will finish the quarter strong with lots of Learning and Fun! Please read the parent bulletin for all the details and as always, reach out via email with any questions!
Mrs. Rayray and Mrs. Mazeau

Parent Teacher Conferences begin this week on Thursday, September 15th. Remember, all 1st-6th grade students will be dismissed at 1:15 p.m. starting on Thursday, September 15 through Thursday, September 22. Kindergarten students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. Preschool schedules will remain the same. Please make appropriate transportation and child care arrangements. Your partnership is essential to your child’s success! Thank you for taking the time to meet with us, we look forward to seeing you at your child’s conference! If you have not scheduled your child’s conference yet, please reach out to your child’s teacher. Virtual options are available upon request.
Scholastic Book Fair
Our Scholastic Book Fair starts Monday!!! The book fair runs from 9/12 through 9/16. Classes will have an opportunity to purchase when their classes visit, after school Monday- Tuesday until 3:30, and Wednesday at our Family Event! Easiest and most convenient way to shop at the fair is with an EWALLET!
Momongas mark your calendar: Wednesday, September 14th from 5 – 7 p.m.! All families are welcome to visit our book fair! There will be food, games, raffle baskets, merchandise, and so much more will be happening! Hope to see you there!

Every minute counts when students are at school. This year we are working on improving attendance for all our students. Let’s help all our Momongas build a habit of good attendance early to set them up for success as they move into middle school and high school. Review our Attendance Pro Tips provided:
- Make sure students come to school well rested with a good night’s sleep.
- Allow plenty of time to get ready, get out the door, and transition to school.
- Have clothes and shoes ready and homework in the backpack the night before.
- Call the school for each day of illness or injury.
- Bring doctor notes to the school office the day after an appointment.
- Respond to school messages about your student’s attendance.
- Talk with the teacher and principal if your student has concerns about attending school.
Learn more about chronic absenteeism and truancy here
We receive frequent requests for early release of students. We ask that you try to schedule appointments after school when possible and remember that if your child is being pulled out of school early, their absence is unexcused unless accompanied by a doctor’s note.
We will host our School Site Council and English Learner Advisory Committee meetings on Thursday, September 15. Our ELAC meeting takes place at 8:30 am and our SSC meeting takes place at 3;00 pm. Both meetings will be held on campus. We will ask for approval of our Single Plan for Student Achievement and our Comprehensive School Safety Plan. We will have an opportunity for all families and staff to provide input on both plans before any approval. All are welcome to attend! We hope you can join us!
Coaches Needed
We are looking for coaches to provide 4th-6th Muraoka students the opportunity to participate in CVESD co-ed volleyball or flag football league. The leagues for these sports run October – December. If you are interested in being a volunteer coach, please contact Mrs. Rayray by September 9. If we can secure coaches, then notification about trying out will be sent out to families in grades 4th-6th..
Traffic and Safety:
We recently met with CVESD’s Emergency Preparedness and Security Manager regarding the traffic concerns surrounding Muraoka. We are working on putting a plan in place that includes School Resource Officer presence on campus, Student Safety Patrol and Traffic Parent volunteers. Please reach out to Mrs. Mazeau or Mrs. Rayray if you can volunteer before or after school 1-5 days a week.
Here are the most critical reminders for this week:
- Red Curbs – “as required under California Vehicle Code Section 21458(a)(1), a curb painted red shall indicate no stopping, standing, or parking whether the vehicle is attended or unattended.”
- Yellow curbs are for loading and unloading only – cars should not be parked and left unattended. If you are on a yellow curb, you should be in your vehicle.
- Use crosswalks for crossing the street and parking lot.
- When dropping students off, please be sure that they exit the vehicle on the right so that they get out directly onto the sidewalk closest to the school building.
- Follow traffic patterns and do not double park along parking spaces
It is important we be courteous and safe during these times, patience in understanding the traffic patterns and wait time during before and after-school is greatly appreciated. Remember, our children watch our example, so please always be safe and respectful. Our goal is to always keep all Momongas safe!

Fall break will start on Monday, September 26 and continue through October 10. School resumes on October 11, which is a minimum day with dismissal of 1:00 pm for Kinder and 1:15 pm for 1st-6th grade students. We hope every takes time to enjoy family and the wonderful area we live in.
Upcoming Events
9/12 – 9/16 BOOK FAIR
9/12 – Momonga Monday ~ Wear your Spirit Wear or School Colors
9/14 @ 5-7 Book Fair Family Night – Field/ MPR
9/15 @ 8:30 am ELAC Meeting
9/15 @ 3:00 pm School Site Council Meeting
9/15-9/22 Parent Teacher Conferences Minimum Days
9/26 – 10/10 – FALL BREAK
10/14 @ 5:30- 8:30 Fall Movie Night – Field
10/28 @ TBD – Trunk or Treat