Weekly Bulletin 5/29-6/2

Muraoka Families,

We hope that our families enjoyed the long Memorial Weekend and took time to honor the sacrifices made by the men and women who have died during their service in the United States military.

It is hard to believe that we have just 4 days left in the 22-23 school year. We look forward to ending our school year strong! Please read below for the week’s events:

New Residency Process:

An email for returning students went out on Monday May 22nd, to families of K through 5th grade students.  Parents will need to review emergency contacts, health information, sign internet use and parent notification agreements, etc. for each child returning to Muraoka.  This will all be completed digitally through the link that was sent to your email.

Verification of Residency forms or utility bills are not required to be uploaded this year unless the student/family is moving or has moved.  If you have moved, you must provide your new address as well as the supporting documents to show your change in residence. This process needs to be completed as soon as possible as we continue to be an impacted school. Families who do not complete this may risk losing their spot at Muraoka.

6th Grade Promotion:

If you plan to take siblings to 6th grade promotion this coming week, to excuse the absence, early dismissal or tardy, parents are required to give advance notice, in writing, to the office staff by email: melina.cardenas@cvesd.org

6th Grade promotion details:

Location: Mater Dei High School

Time: 9:00am Promotion

8:30 arrival for students

Students must check out with their classroom teacher after the promotion

Kindergarten Promotion:

We are looking forward to celebrating our Kindergartners this week as they promote to the First Grade! Unfortunately, we will not be able to accommodate Muraoka siblings at this event.

Medications in the Health Room

If your child has medication stored in the health room, please collect it by 3pm on Friday, June 2nd.

Upcoming Events:

June 2nd Last day of school! Minimum Day

                 Report Cards go home

July 18th: Meet the Teacher 1:30-3:00

July 19th 1st Day of School! Minimum Day


Weekly Bulletin May 22-26

Muraoka Families,

We hope you all have enjoyed your weekend and are gearing up for our last 9 days of school. It was another fun filled week at Muraoka! Our Momongas loved the book fair! Thank you to our PTO for providing all our classroom teachers and our librarian with books from the fair! Our PTO also hosted a fundraiser at Handel’s on Thursday that was well attended. A portion of the proceeds from that night will come back to our school. On Friday, we had a successful Tomodachi Festival! Huge shout out to our VAPA team and our PTO for an incredible event! Our students did a great job performing for their families! A wonderful time was had by all.

Continuing Student Enrollment Process:

The time has come to verify residency for the upcoming school year. Tomorrow, Monday, May 22nd, you will receive an email power school. All families are required to complete the Continuing Student Enrollment process.

Hanover Survey

We would love to hear from you! The Chula Vista Elementary School District prioritizes our school communities’ opinions, perceptions, and needs. The District is partnering with Hanover Research to conduct a short survey to help us understand how the current school year has been and the priorities and needs for the 2023-24 school year. We invite you to participate in this brief survey between May 9 and May 23, 2023. All responses are anonymous and will be kept confidential. Please use the following link to complete the survey: https://bit.ly/3M5Yg6F.


Upcoming Events:

May 22nd

Spirit Day ~ Wear Momonga Spirit Wear or School Colors

8:15 ~ Momonga Monday Blacktop Assembly

3:00 ~ Safety Patrol Rank Advancement

May 23rd

6th Grade to AMC

8:20 ~ MATSURI Awards ~ Kindergarten, MPR

9:00 ~ MATSURI Awards ~ Third Grade, MPR

10:00 ~ MATSURI Awards ~ Second Grade, MPR

May 25th

8:20 ~ MATSURI Awards ~ First Grade, MP

9:00 ~ MATSURI Awards ~ Fourth Grade, MPR May 26th

Campus Clinic Testing

8:20 ~ MATSURI Awards ~ Fifth Grade, MPR

5:00 ~ 6th Grade Dance, MPR

May 29 ~ Memorial Day Holiday ~ No School

May 30 ~ Spirit Day ~ Wear your Momonga Gear or School Colors

May 30 ~ Last Momonga Blacktop Assembly

May 30 ~ 6th Grade Awards Assembly

May 31 ~ Kindergarten Promotion

June 1 ~ 6th Grade Promotion

June 2 ~ Last Day of School


Weekly Bulletin 5/15-5/19

Muraoka Families,

We still have so much to look forward to in our last 14 days of school. We look forward to ending the year strong with all of our Muraoka families. Please read below for upcoming events and announcements.

Staff Appreciation: Thank You!

What a wonderful week on campus. We had such fun honoring all staff members for their hard work and dedication. This incredible week would not have been possible without your donations and our very generous PTO. Thank you for your unwavering support! Here are just a few moments from the week!



If you purchased a yearbook, it was sent home on Friday, except for 6th grade yearbooks which will be sent home on Monday. Additionally, 100 extra yearbooks were ordered, and they will be available for purchase at the book fair this week. The extra yearbooks will be available on a first-come, first-served basis for $45

Recent behavior:

As our school year comes to a close, we have observed a rise in student behaviors that are compromising the safety of our Momongas. Please continue to maintain on-going discussions with your students about our school wide expectations be safe, be respectful, be responsible, be kind. What does that look like in the lunch arbor? On the playground? In a game of Wall ball? On the play structure? How do our words impact others? We appreciate your support as we collectively strive to finish our school year on a positive note.

Scholastic Book Fair:

May 15-May 18th


It’s a short Book Fair! Come early for the best selection!

Don’t forget the extra yearbooks are for sale at the Scholastic Book Fair!  

Tomodachi Festival:

We can’t wait to see all our families at the Tomodachi Festival! All games are free and no entrance fee. There will be many options to purchase snacks and treats as various food trucks will be available!

Upcoming Events:

May 15th: Momonga Monday Blacktop Assembly- Wear your spirit gear!

May 15-May 18 Scholastic Book Fair

May 15 Basketball Banquet at Lunch 12:15-1:00

May 18th Dine out at Handels!

May 19 Tomodachi Festival 4pm

May 22 Movie with the Principals @ 1pm (Momongas need equivalent of 60 pink slips to attend)

June 1 6th Grade Promotion at Mater Dei. 8:30 arrival for students

Weekly Bulletin 5/8-5/12

Dear Muraoka Families,

It was another great week to be a Momonga! Our Family Literacy Night was a huge success, and we would like to extend our gratitude to our Family Night Committee for the awesome events they organized for our community this year such as the Trunk or Treat, Movie Night, and Literacy Night.  Thank you! Our Momongas are ready to take on our final week of state and local measures testing! We are also looking forward to honoring our incredible teachers and staff this week. Thank you to all our families who have donated toward our Staff Appreciation Week. There are still a few opportunities to honor our teachers so please read below for additional details. Let’s make it another great week, Momongas!

Recent behavior:

As our school year winds down, we have noticed an increase in student behaviors that are creating an unsafe environment for our Momongas. Please continue to have conversations with your students about our school wide expectations be safe, be respectful, be responsible, be kind. What does that look like in the lunch arbor? On the playground? In a game of Wall ball? On the play structure? How do our words impact others? We appreciate your support as we all work together to end our school year strong.

Testing This Week:

Please arrive on time for our daily attendance raffle!

5th and 6th CAASPP Testing

K, 1, 2, 3, 4 iReady Testing

4th Grade Achieve Level Set( English and Spanish)


Staff Appreciation:

Thank you to all our families who have signed up to contribute to our school-wide Staff Appreciation Week! We are so excited to honor our hardworking staff.  Here you will find the link to our Sign Up Genius if you are interested in contributing to our whole school event. Interested in honoring just your teacher or other staff member? Check out our super easy Staff Appreciation Spirit Week!

Staff Appreciation Spirit Week:


Model Momonga Monday! Show your teacher and our staff that you are a Model Momonga! Be EXTRA safe, respectful, responsible, and kind


Write your teacher or staff member a thank you note! What has been the best part of the school year? Why do you appreciate them?


Dress like your teacher or other staff member! (You can also just wear your teacher’s favorite color)


Share your favorite memory with your teacher or favorite staff member. This could be a picture, drawing or note!


Bring your teacher or other staff member their favorite treat, drink or gift card!

Tomodochi Festival:

We are thrilled for upcoming Tomodachi Festival! There will VAPA performances, art displays, PE rotations, carnival games and plenty of food trucks. Please save the date and plan on joining us!







Book Fair:

The Scholastic Book fair will be back to help us end the school year! Please look for more information about the Scholastic Book Fair the week of May 15-May 19th

Upcoming Events:

May 8-12 Staff Appreciation Spirit Week!

May 8 PTO General Meeting 3pm MPR

May 10 Soccer Playoffs @ Muraoka 4:15pm

May 11 SSC Meeting @ 3:00 pm Conference Room

May 19 Tomodachi Festival 4pm

May 22 Movie with the Principals @ 1pm (you need equivalent of 60 pink slip to attend)

June 1 6th Grade Promotion at Mater Dei. 8:30 arrival for students


Weekly Bulletin 5/1-5/4

Muraoka Families,

What a wonderful week we had at Muraoka! Our athletes continue to shine and our students are putting their best efforts into their testing. We have busy weeks of testing ahead but we are balancing it all with some fun family events. Please read below for everything you need to know about our upcoming week!

Testing This Week:

  • 3rd/4th CAASPP M-F
  •  5th/6th Achieve LevelSet (M/T)
  • 5th/6th iReady (W/TH)
  • 2nd Achieve LevelSet (T/W)
  • K/1 Smarty Ants (T/W)

Please make sure your Momongas are arrive to school on time ready to do their best!

Literacy Night:

We are so grateful for our wonderful staff that have planned an engaging Literacy Night for our Muraoka Families! Please join us on Thursday, May 4th for Literacy Activities for the whole family. The fun begins at 3:30pm








Tomodachi Festival:

We are thrilled for upcoming Tomodachi Festival! There will VAPA performances, art displays, PE rotations, carnival games and plenty of food trucks. Please save the date and plan on joining us!





Staff Appreciation:

It is almost that time to recognize both our certificated  and classified staff. Appreciation week begins on May 8th – May 12th. Mrs. Mazeau, Mrs. Rayray and our wonderful PTO have an amazing week planned in honor of our entire staff. These appreciation weeks are not possible without your generous support. Please look out for a separate email with a Sign Up Genius and sign up if you are able to contribute! Thank you for always supporting our efforts!

Upcoming Events:

May 1 School Colors & Spirit Wear

May 2 6th Grade Panoramic Picture

May 3rd Basketball Team Popsicle Sales

May 3rd Basketball Game @ MacKenzie Creek 4pm

May 3rd  Soccer vs. Salt Creek @ Muraoka 4:15 pm

May 4th Basketball Game  @ Santa Venetia Park 4:00pm

May 4 Literacy Night 3:30 pm

May 19 Tomodachi Festival 4pm


Weekly Bulletin April 24th-28th

Muraoka Families,

We had an amazing week at Muraoka! Our Military Family Breakfast, featuring the Navy Brass Band, and our Spirit Week were definitely the highlights. We have plenty of exciting events coming up, such as our Family Literacy Night and the Tomodachi Festival. Don’t forget to vote for our new PTO board, too! Please read below for the ballot and additional details.

PTO Board Ballot:

Please click on the link to read a short statement and to vote for those running for the PTO board. Thank you for your participation


Tomodachi Festival:

Please save the date for this end of the year festival. Our Tomodachi Festival will take place on May 19th from 4-7 pm. Momongas will be performing in this VAPA showcase. There will also be carnival games and many food vendors. We hope to see you there!

Family Literacy Night: Thank you to our Family Night Committee for working hard to plan fun stations around literacy for our families to engage in. Please join us on May 4th from 3:30- 5pm.


Last week, the testing calendar was shared.  This is a friendly reminder that this week, 5th grade students are taking the CAST (Science) test. In addition, 3rd grade students will be taking the Achieve Level Set and 2nd Grade students are taking the Smarty Ants end of year assessment. Please be sure to follow our testing tips and arrive to school on time.

Testing Tips:

  • Arrive on time- Testing will begin promptly at the start of the school day
  • Eat a healthy breakfast on campus or at home- start the day with a meal that incudes healthy energy boosting foods such as eggs or whole wheat toast!
  • Get a good night’s rest- at least 8-10 hours of sleep will prepare students to do their best!
  • Think positive thoughts-you can encourage your child to take slow deep breaths and think of something that makes them happy if they start to feel stressed during the test.
  • Do your best- Our Momongas will do great! Encourage your child to do their best to show what they know and that they are ready!

Upcoming Events:

  • April 24th Momonga Monday Assembly- Wear school colors or spirit gear!
  • April 25th: CAST testing begins for 5th grade
  • April 25th Basketball Game at 4pm at Rohr Park
  • April 26th 2nd Grade Smarty Ants
  • April 26th 3rd Grade Achieve Level Set
  • April 26th Soccer Game at Muraoka @ 4:15
  • April 26th Basketball game at Mackenzie Creek Park @ 5:00pm
  • April 27th Dine out- KABOB SHOP
  • May 2 6th Grade panoramic picture
  • May 4th Family Literacy Night
  • May 19th Tomodachi Festival


Weekly Bulletin 4/17

Muraoka Families,

It is hard to believe that preparations are underway to culminate our school year! While we have an arduous testing season upon us, we know our Momongas are prepared for end of the year assessments and will make themselves proud. We are excited for our upcoming end of the school year events such as the Tomodachi Festival! We hope to see you all there! Please read below for everything you need to know about this week at Muraoka.

Testing Calendar:

Below you will find a quick guide to the assessments our Momongas will be taking at the end of the year followed by the testing calendar.  Please note that these are the CVESD Local Measures Assessments and State Assessments and that grade levels may have additional assessments that are not listed in this calendar. Attendance during this time is critical! We will be providing incentives to students who arrive on time on the day of testing.

Testing Tips:

  • Arrive on time- Testing will begin promptly at the start of the school day
  • Eat a healthy breakfast on campus or at home- start the day with a meal that incudes healthy energy boosting foods such as eggs or whole wheat toast!
  • Get a good night’s rest- at least 8-10 hours of sleep will prepare students to do their best!
  • Think positive thoughts-you can encourage your child to take slow deep breaths and think of something that makes them happy if they start to feel stressed during the test.
  • Do your best- Our Momongas will do great! Encourage your child to do their best to show what they know and that they are ready!
Grade Level Assessments (Local Measure and/or State)
K-1 (EO and DI) Smarty Ants and iReady
2nd Grade (EO and DI) Smarty Ants, iReady and Achieve 3000
3rd– 6th (EO Program) CAASPP (ELA and Math) + Achieve 3000 & iReady
3rd– 6th (DI Program) See above + California Spanish Assessment (Language Arts Only)
5th Grade CAASPP (ELA and Math) + Achieve 3000 & iReady + CAST (Science)

Tomodachi Festival:

Please save the date for this end of the year festival. Our Tomodachi Festival will take place on May 19th from 4-7 pm. Momongas will be performing in this VAPA showcase. There will also be carnival games and many food vendors. We hope to see you there!





Crocs on Campus:

As fashion trends change, we find ourselves having to adjust our dress policy. Please note that open toe shoes of any kind are never permitted on campus for safety reasons. While crocs are not open toe, they are proving to be quite dangerous if engaging in recess games. Please note that beginning on April 17th, crocs will not be permitted IF students are playing recess games. Students may wear crocs to school but will NOT be permitted to play any of the designated recess games while wearing them. We feel this is a fair compromise that will ensure students stay safe on campus.


Month of the Military Child Spirit Week:

April is Month of the Military Child; Muraoka is honored to be home to one of CVESD’s largest populations of military connected students! We thank you and your families for your service. Help us honor the sacrifices of our Military connected students with this fun spirit week.




Upcoming Events:

April 17th-April 24th Month of the Military Child Spirit Week

  • Monday: Purple Up!
  • Tuesday: Wear Camouflage
  • Wednesday: Branch out and represent any branch of the military
  • Thursday: Wear Red/White and Blue
  • Friday: Hats off to our Military! Wear any hat

April 17th: Military Family Breakfast for Military Families 7:30 am MPR

April 17th: Momonga Monday Blacktop Assembly- Military Families will have special seating to enjoy the Navy Brass Band

April 17th Military Family Breakfast and Navy Brass Band- Purple Up!

April 19th Popsicle Sales after school

April 19th Soccer vs. Eastlake @ Muraoka 4:15

April 20th Momonga Basketball Game vs. Valley Vista @ Santa Venetia Park

Weekly Bulletin 4/10-4/14

Muraoka Families,

Happy Easter, Ramadan and Passover to all of our Muraoka Families. We hope that you all had a wonderful weekend! Please read below for upcoming events.

Month of the Military Child:

April is Month of the Military Child; Muraoka is honored to be home to one of CVESD’s  largest populations of military connected students! We thank you and your families for your service. We are excited to welcome Navy Brass Band to our blacktop assembly on April 17th in celebration of our military families. In addition, we will host a Military Breakfast prior to the blacktop assembly. Be sure to purple up for this event! Also, please be on the lookout for our Month of the Military Spirit Week April 17th-April 21st.


CVESD ThoughtExchange Survey

It is not too late to participate! This is your opportunity to share what is going well or what you believe could improve your student’s educational experience. We would love to see all our families participate. If you do not feel like sharing your thoughts, you can log in to read the thoughts of others and rate them as important to you or not that important to you.

Our annual ThoughtExchange for community input on the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is now open! Please see the flyer (in English and Spanish) for more information. This year, we are asking the question: What are some things we are doing well, and what could improve the educational experience we provide students through the LCAP?

The LCAP shapes our District’s goals and guides our budgeting priorities at both the district and school levels. Please join in on the conversation from Feb. 1 through May 1, 2023.

Link to survey: https://my.thoughtexchange.com/scroll/629912727

Upcoming Events:

April 10th Momonga Monday Blacktop Assembly- Wear school Spirit Gear

April 10th Momonga Soccer Game vs. Hedenkamp @ Muraoka

April 11th Momonga Basketball Game vs. Allen @ Rohr Park

April 12th Popsicle Sales After School

April 13th Momonga Soccer Game vs. Wolf Canyon @ Muraoka

April 17th-April 24th Month of the Military Child Spirit Week

April 17th Military Family Breakfast and Navy Brass Band- Purple Up!

April 20th Momonga Basketball Game vs. Valley Vista @ Santa Venetia Park

Weekly Bulletin 3/13-3/17

Muraoka Families.

We are now in the final stretch of the quarter! This is our final week before Spring Break and we will continue parent teacher conferences and minimum days. Kindergarten dismissal is 1pm and 2nd-6th dismissal is 1:15pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to discuss your child’s progress. Every family is expected to participate in a conference so please reach out to your classroom teacher if you have yet to schedule a conference time. We are so proud of our Momongas and their growth! We look forward to recognizing many of them at our Model Momonga assembly on Monday and our Matsuri Awards throughout the week.

Mrs. Mazeau and Mrs. Rayray would like to wish all our Momongas a safe and restful spring break! We will see you all on Monday, April 3rd for a minimum day. Please read below for updates about our PTO Read-A-Thon!

Mrs. Mazeau and Mrs. Rayray


Thank you to all our families who have signed up and participated in the PTO Read-A-Thon! We have raised a total of $7020! Our goal is to raise $15,000 by Wednesday, March 15th. All funds raised will go toward enhancing our new school library! It is not too late to join in! Please Sign up here! And read, read, read!

In addition to the prizes that are earned through the Read-A-Thon organization, Mrs. Rayray and Mrs. Mazeau will be rewarding the top class and individual top fundraisers with a movie morning on Wednesday! So far, Ms. Mahoney’s 3rd grade class is in the lead! Lastly, if your Momonga has collected 60 pink slips and has a yellow “Movie with the Principal” certificate, they will also be joining us for the movie on Wednesday.



Weekly Bulletin 3/6-3/10

Muraoka Families,

It was another great week to be a Momonga! Thank you to our Read Across America Committee for planning an incredible week of fun and literacy! This week, we are preparing for Parent Teacher Conferences and minimum days. Minimum Days begin on Thursday, March 9th and continue through March 17th. Kindergarten dismissal is 1pm, 2nd-6th is 1:15pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to discuss your child’s progress. Every family is expected to participate in a conference so please reach out to your classroom teacher if you have yet to schedule a conference time.

Mrs. Mazeau and Mrs. Rayray


Help Support our Muraoka PTO by signing up for our Read-A-Thon Fundraiser! Sign up here!

Cell Phones and Phone Watches:

We have seen an increase in students using personal cell phone and phone/watches on campus. For your student to bring a cell phone onto campus, they must have a cell phone policy contract signed and on file (contract was included in the beginning of the year forms). The cell phone contract indicates that all cell phones must be turned off and put away from the moment your student arrives on campus until they depart. Cell phones will be held in the office or with classroom teacher until a parent is able to pick up if the cell phone contract is violated. If your child is wearing a watch that can act as a phone, those features must be disabled while on campus. Thank you for your support.

Breakfast served daily from 7:35am -8:05am:

This is a friendly reminder that free breakfast for Muraoka Students is served from 7:35 am-8:05 am as stated in our parent handbook. Please arrive prior to 8:05 if your student plans to eat breakfast. This will allow students sufficient time to eat and arrive to class on time.

CVESD ThoughtExchange Survey is Now Open!

It is not too late to participate! This is your opportunity to share what is going well or what you believe could improve your student’s educational experience. We would love to see all our families participate. If you do not feel like sharing your thoughts, you can log in to read the thoughts of others and rate them as important to you or not that important to you.

Our annual ThoughtExchange for community input on the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is now open! Please see the flyer (in English and Spanish) for more information. This year, we are asking the question: What are some things we are doing well, and what could improve the educational experience we provide students through the LCAP?

The LCAP shapes our District’s goals and guides our budgeting priorities at both the district and school levels. Please join in on the conversation from Feb. 1 through April 1, 2023.

Link to survey: https://my.thoughtexchange.com/scroll/629912727

Important Dates!

March 6-March 10th ELPAC Testing for 3rd -6th Grade Multi-Language English Learners

March 9th – 16th – Minimum Days for Parent/Teacher Conferences

March 17th – Last Day of Quarter 3 Minimum Day

March 20 – 31st – Spring Break

April 3rd – First Day of Quarter 4 – Minimum Day